Stamping: Automotive:
Vulcan 400-CG:
Vulcan 400-CG is a high-tensile alloy for joining and underlaying tool and die steels. Deposits will respond to heat treatments without cracking. Weld deposits are dense, smooth, and resistant to corrosion and heat scaling up to 1200 degrees F.
Typical Applications:
Joining of cracked and fractured tools, dies, fixtures, and other parts; build-up and surfacing on shafts, bearing surfaces, and valves; high-temperature applications such as steam turbine buckets, blades, and covers.
Clean weld area. Bevel heavy sections to be joined. On high alloy tool steels, preheat and post-heat according to the base metal to obtain maximum results. Hold a short arc and use stringer beads. Peening will help relieve stress. Slag will peel off easily after each pass cools. When used for joining tools that are fractured at the working surface, always cap off with with an alloy that will be hard as welded if no subsequent heat treatment is to be performed, such as Vulcan 910-AH.
Vulcan 910-AH:
Vulcan 910-AH is an air harden tool steel electrode which produces a shock-resistant weld deposit that is dense, porous-free, and heat treatable. Deposits take a high polish. When a cushioning layer is required, Vulcan 400-CG is recommended.
Typical Applications:
Die cast dies, cold shears, header dies, chisel, punch, and moil points for air hammer tools; blanking and bending dies, trimmer dies, forming dies, extrusion dies, coining dies, and sledge hammer faces.
Remove all cracks and heat checks by grinding or by some other suitable method. Clean area of all oxides and foreign matter. Use an anti-spatter paint on areas that are not to be welded. Preheat unit to a maximum of 600 degrees F if it is in the AISI “S” series tool steels. Be sure unit does not exceed 600 degrees during any phase of the welding process. On other base metals, pre-heat and post-heat accordingly. Deposit stringer beads. Peening is advisable. After welding, cool in still air to 150 degrees F. Temper at 600 degrees F at one hour per inch of thickness.
Stamping: Tool & Die:
Vulcan T-4400-CG:
Vulcan T-4400-CGÂ is a high-tensile alloy for joining and underlaying tool and die steels. Deposits will respond to heat treatments without cracking. Weld deposits are dense, smooth, and resistant to corrosion and heat scaling up to 1200 degrees F.
Typical Applications:
Joining of cracked and fractured tools, dies, fixtures, and other parts; build-up and surfacing on shafts, bearing surfaces, and valves; high-temperature applications such as steam turbine buckets, blades, and covers.
Clean weld area. Bevel heavy sections to be joined. On high alloy tool steels, preheat and post-heat according to the base metal to obtain maximum results. Hold a short arc and use stringer beads. Peening will help relieve stress. Slag will peel off easily after each pass cools. When used for joining tools that are fractured at the working surface, always cap off with with an alloy that will be hard as welded if no subsequent heat treatment is to be performed, such as Vulcan T-9900-TS.
Vulcan T-9900-TS:
Vulcan T-9900-TS is an air harden tool steel tig wire which produces a shock-resistant weld deposit that is dense, porous-free, and heat treatable. Deposits take a high polish. When a cushioning layer is required, Vulcan T-4400-CG is recommended.
Typical Applications:
Die cast dies, cold shears, header dies, chisel, punch, and moil points for air hammer tools; blanking and bending dies, trimmer dies, forming dies, extrusion dies, coining dies, and sledge hammer faces.
Remove all cracks and heat checks by grinding or by some other suitable method. Clean area of all oxides and foreign matter. Use an anti-spatter paint on areas that are not to be welded. Preheat unit to a maximum of 600 degrees F if it is in the AISI “S” series tool steels. Be sure unit does not exceed 600 degrees during any phase of the welding process. On other base metals, pre-heat and post-heat accordingly. Deposit stringer beads. Peening is advisable. After welding, cool in still air to 150 degrees F. Temper at 600 degrees F at one hour per inch of thickness.